
All Programme List



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Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Name Title of the Paper Name of Journal / Vol. No / Issue No / Page Nos ISSN URL Academic Year
1 Krishna Kumar Sharma Hindi Kahaniyon Men Shrimati Chitramudgal Ji Ka Sthan ALOCHANA JOURNAL (UGC CARE LIST-I) / 14 / 1 / 1 - 9 2231-6329

2 Krishna Kumar Sharma Bhartiya Natya Sahitya Men Rang Parmpra Ek Vishleshan GYANVIVIDHA / 2 / 1 / 24 - 29 3048-4537

3 Nagalakshmi S Contribution of Kerala scholars to astronomy and mathematics International Journal of Sanskrit Research / 10 / 4 / 1 - 3 2394-7519

4 Nagalakshmi S Impact of Technology on Sanskrit Journal of Veda Samskrita Academy A National Peer-Reviewed Research Journal / VOLUME: XXIII / 26 /2024 / 87 - 92 2250-1711

5 Reshma M L Naphrat ke soudaagar Alochana / 13 / 9/2024 / - 2231-6329

6 Krishna Kumar Sharma Gramya Krishak Jeevan Ka Darpan Maila Aanchal International Journal of Hindi Research / 8 / 4 / 61 - 63 2455-2232

7 George Joseph Adhunik Hindi kavya mein swachandatavad ka swaroop evam vikas-Ek anusandhatmak adhyayan.( Sahitya Samhita / 7 / 6 / 13 - 18 2454-2695

8 George Joseph Manavatavadi chetna ke pariprekshya mein Hindi ke mahakavi Jayashankar prasad aur Malayalam ke mahakavi Kumaranasan ke kavyom ka shastreeya adhyayan. ( मानवतावादी चेतना के परिप्रेक्ष्य में हिन्दी के महाकवि जयशंकर प्रसाद और मलयालम के महाकवि कुमारनाशान के काव्यों का शास्त्रीय अध्ययन | ) Sahitya Samhita (Peer-Reviewed Hindi Journal) / 7(2021) / 7-July-2021 / 1 - 6 2454-2695

9 George Joseph Saundarya bhavna ke pariprekshya mein Hindi kavi Jatashankar Prasad aur Malayalam kavi Kumaranasan ke kavyom ka tulanatmak adhyayan.67;प्रí ; प्रसाद और कुमारनाशान के काव्यों का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन | Sahitya Samhita (Peer-Reviewed Hindi Journal) / 7 / 8 / 1 - 6 2454-2695

10 Krishna Kumar Sharma Hindi Upnyason Men Sisakta Krishak Jeevan International Journal of Hindi Research / 7 / 4 / 52 - 56 2455-2232

11 Nagalakshmi S Sanskrit-A Literary language International Journal of Sanskrit Research / 8 / 1 / 189 - 191 2394-7519

12 Nagalakshmi S Sanskrit-A literary Language International Journal of Sanskrit Research / 8 / 1 / 189 - 191 2394-7519

13 Nagalakshmi S Contribution of Westerns Scholars to Sanskrit Literature Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 9 / 4 / 576 - 580 2349-5162

14 George Joseph 'Angrezi swachandadavad:Ek anusandhanatmak anuseelan. 'Sahitya Samhita' / 6 / 7 / 24 - 28 2454-2695

15 George Joseph Hindi ke mahakavi Jayashankar Prasad aur Malayalam ke mahakavi Kumaranasan ke kavyom mein aadmabhivyakti ki pravritthi- ek tulanatmak adhyayan. Sahitya Samhita / 6 / 6-June2020 / 23 - 27 2454-2695

16 Rathi M T Prob(e)abilities for Enhanced Research and Interdisciplinarity: An Exploration of Innovative Practices in English Studies, Languages, and Media IUP Journal of English Studies / 15 / 4 / 142147 - 142147 0973-3728

17 George Joseph Adhunik malayalam kavya mein swachandadavad ka swarup evam pravruthiyam-ek anusandhanatmak adhyayan. Drishtikon / 12 / 01 / 256 - 259 0975-119X

18 George Joseph 'Swachand prem ke pariprekshya mein adhunik malayalam sahitya ke mahakavi kumaranasan ke kavyom ka anusandhanatmak adhyayan' Nibandha Mala / 12 / 04 / 232 - 236 2277-2359

19 George Joseph Aadhunik Malayalam sahitya ke kavithray mahakavi Kumaranashan,Ulloor aur Vallathol ke kavya mein swachandadavadi pravrutthiyam-Ek anusandhanatmak adhyayan . Drishtikon / 12 / 5 / 450 - 454 0975-119X

20 Krishna Kumar Sharma Dishaheen Hoti Yuva Pidhi : Ek Vishleshnatamak Adhayayn International Journal of Research in Hindi / 1 / 2 / 03 - 06 2582-3493

21 Krishna Kumar Sharma Samajsevi Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara Ka Vyaktitava, Ek Snkshipt Parichay International Journal of Research in Hindi / 1 / 2 / 41 - 42 2582-3493

22 Krishna Kumar Sharma Mata-Pita Ki Prasannta Men Nihit Jeevan Ka Saar SANSKRITIK AUR SAMAJIK ANUSANDHAN / 1 / 1 / 22 - 24 2582-5852

23 Krishna Kumar Sharma Shrishtachar Aur Sanskar Ek Vishleshnatamak Adhayayn International Journal Of Reserch In Hindi / 1 / 1 / 16 - 17 2582-3493

24 Mallika Krishnaswami Language Matters Online Interternational Interdisciplinary Research Journal / 9 / 01 / 254 - 258 2249-9598

25 Mallika Krishnaswami Exploring the Gandhian Search for Truth in R.K. Narayan's "The Guide" Literary Endeavour / X / 5 / 72 - 75 0976-299X

26 George Joseph Malayalam kavi Kumaranasan ke kavya mein Yug Bodh malayalam kavi Kumaranasan ke kavya mein Yug Bodh / 4 / 4 / 56 - 58 2455-2232

27 Kavitha A French Feminism Vimal Vimarsh / 1 (Special Edition) / / 148 - 151 2348-5884

28 Kavitha A Digital Technology Engaging Pedagogy Through Hindi Wikipedia- A Case Study IJELLH- (International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities) / 6 / 8 / 234 - 243 2321-7065

29 Krishna Kumar Sharma Kathakar Chitra Mudgal Ji Ki Kahani Sngrah Painting Akeli Hai... Men Vyakati Snagharsh INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HINDI RESERCH / 5 / 3 / 25 - 27 2455-2232

30 Nagalakshmi S Contribution of Women to Sanskrit Literature Vimal vimarsh / 1 / 1, Special edition / 69 - 74 2348-5884

31 Rathi M T Initiation of Blended Learning through Kannada Wikipedia, Issues and Challenges- A Case Study Global Journal Of Human Social Sciences / 18 / 11 / 9 - 12 2249-460X, 0975-587X

32 Sebastian K A Digital Technology Engaging Pedagogy Through Hindi Wikipedia- A Case Study IJELLH- (International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities) / 6 / 8 / 234 - 243 2321-7065

33 Shivaprasad Y S Central College Karnataka Sangha-Shatamanada Smarane International Journal of Kannada Research / 4-Part C / 02 / 124 - 131 2454-5813

34 Shivaprasad Y S Initiation of Blended Learning through Kannada Wikipedia, Issues and Challenges- A Case Study Global Journal Of Human Social Sciences / 18 / 11 / 9 - 12 2249-460X, 0975-587X

35 Mallika Krishnaswami Blending the old with the new through technology - Sanskrit and E - Learning IJELLH / V / X / 57 - 64 2321-7065

36 Nagalakshmi S Ancient wisdom Journal of Veda Samskrta Academy - A National Refereed Research Journal / 9 / January - June 2017 / 43 - 48 2250-1711

37 Nagalakshmi S Blending the old with the new through technology - Sanskrit and E - Learning IJELLH / V / X / 57 - 64 2321-7065

38 Shivaprasad Y S Kanakana Ekathe-Prathyekathe Karnataka Bharathi / 42 / 02 / 118 - 127 2277-3088

39 Krishnaswami P Mainstream Tradition and Exclusive Traditions: A Study of Kongu Folk Epic ' Annanmar Kathai' International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research / 3 / 3 / 220 - 224 2348-3156, 2348-3164

40 Krishnaswami P Organic Growyh of Folk Epics: Ownership and Contestation of Tamil Folk Epic 'Annanmar Kathai' International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention / 4 / 8 / 55 - 64 2319-7722, 2319-7714

41 Krishnaswami P From Knowledge Tradition to Knowledge Economy: Positive Interludes in Indian Higher Education International Journal of Educational Planning and Administration / 5 / 1 / 19 - 23 2249-3093

42 Krishnaswami P Organic Growth of Folk Epics: Ownership and Contestation of Tamil Folk Epic AnnanmarKathai (Elder Brothers? Story) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention / 4 / 8 / 55 - 64 2319-7722, 2319-7714

43 Krishnaswami P Mainstream Tradition and Exclusive Traditions: A Study of Kongu Folk Epic 'Annanmar Kathai' International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research / 3 / 3 / 220 - 224 2348-3164, 2348-3156

44 Mallika Krishnaswami From Knowledge Tradition to Knowledge Economy: Positive Interludes in Indian Higher Education International Journal of Educational Planning and Administration / 5 / 1 / 19 - 23 2249-3093

45 Mallika Krishnaswami Organic Growth of Folk Epics: Ownership and Contestation of Tamil Folk Epic AnnanmarKathai (Elder Brothers? Story) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention / 4 / 8 / 55 - 64 2319-7722, 2319-7714

46 Mallika Krishnaswami Mainstream Tradition and Exclusive Traditions: A Study of Kongu Folk Epic 'Annanmar Kathai' International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research / 3 / 3 / 220 - 224 2348-3164, 2348-3156

47 Mallika Krishnaswami Unopened Windows: European Existentialism and Indian Classrooms International Journal of English Language, Litearture and Humanities / 3 / 9 / 434 - 440 2321-7065

48 Mallika Krishnaswami U.R Ananthamurthy - A man more sinned against than sinning? Indian Literature / LVIII / 6 / 138 - 147 0019-5804

49 Mallika Krishnaswami Social Alienation and Camus 'The Outsider' Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 9 / 2 / 12 - 20 0975-329X

50 Mallika Krishnaswami Crisis and Modern Man - seen from the French and Indian Perspective Behavioral, Cognitive and Psychological Sciences / 23 / / 192 - 196 2010-4626

51 Mallika Krishnaswami Bridging the Gap across Cultures through Literature Transtellar Journal of English and Literature / 3 / 5 / 49 - 52 2249-8028

52 Shivaprasad Y S H.Narasimhiah Vignana Sangathi / 19 / 03 / 9 - 11 0971-6769

53 Mallika Krishnaswami Crisis and Man:Literary Responses Across Cultures BORJ, Journal of Business Management and Social Sciences Research / 1 / 3 / 29 - 30 2319-5614

54 Shivaprasad Y S Kasubu Yerisi Mulugisida computergalu Yojana - Electronics mattu Mahiti Tantrajnana / 2 / 9 / 38 - 41 0971-8737

55 Akshay Kumar Partition Refugees in Jammu Cry for Protection of Land and Job Rights Economic and Political Weekly / LIX / 42 / 18 - 21 0012-9976

56 Akshay Kumar Partition Refugees in Jammu Cry for Protection of Land and Job Rights Economic and Political Weekly / LIX / 42 / 18 - 21 0012-9976

57 Hoimawati Talukdar Sound, Music and Sonic Experiences: A study of the Religious Spaces of Vrindavan and Mathura in Northern India International Journal of Communication Development / / / 57 - 69 2231-2498

58 Tanupriya Boundaries of Gender Categories: Trans Indian Autobiographies Wasafiri / 40 / 1 / 69 - 77 1747-1508

59 Akshay Kumar UPI Chalega campaign: significance of broadcast media, promoting digital payment system in West Bengal International Journal of Information Technology / 15 / 7 / 1 - 6 2511-2112

60 Anu Varghese M Abjection and Intersecting Trans Women Identities: Examining ?Doing Gender? through Malayalam Movies Ardhanaari and Njan Marykutty Comunicación y Sociedad / / / - 2448-9042

61 Anuja Singh Hegemonic Femininity in Popular Culture: Heteronormative Appropriation of Lesbian Sexualities in Contemporary India through Neeraj Ghaywan's Geeli Pucchi Monthly Review Journal / 75 / 8 / 1 - 12 0027-0520

62 Anuja Singh Artistic Representation of Gender Nonconforming Female Bodies in Social Media: A Study of Select Indian Graphic Artists on Instagram QED: A Journal in LGBTQ Worldmaking / 10 / 2 / 70 - 92 2327-1574

63 Hoimawati Talukdar News narratives and news distortions: A case study of Dokmoka lynching in Assam Social Sciences & Humanities Open / 8 / 1, 2 / 2590 - 2911 2590-2911

64 Nipunika Shahid Investigating Media Education through an Interdisciplinary Lens: Policy, Ethics, and Public Discourse in NEP 2020 / 2 / 22 / - 2582-1296

65 Tanupriya Hegemonic Femininity in Popular Culture: Heteronormative Appropriation of Lesbian Sexualities in Contemporary India through Neeraj Ghaywan's Geeli Pucchi Monthly Review Journal / 75 / 8 / 1 - 12 0027-0520

66 Tanupriya Artistic Representation of Gender Nonconforming Female Bodies in Social Media: A Study of Select Indian Graphic Artists on Instagram QED: A Journal in LGBTQ Worldmaking / 10 / 2 / 70 - 92 2327-1574

67 Tanupriya Me Hijra, Me Laxmi (Review) QED: A Journal in LGBTQ Worldmaking / / / - 2327-1574

68 Tanupriya Abjection and Intersecting Trans Women Identities: Examining ?Doing Gender? through Malayalam Movies Ardhanaari and Njan Marykutty Comunicación y Sociedad / / / - 2448-9042

69 Prabha Zacharias Adopting Metaverse as a Pedagogy in Problem-Based Learning Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems / 671 / / - 2367-3389

70 Siddharth Dubey The Soft Homogenisation of Democracy in India: Studying the Role and Long-Term Impact of Right-Wing Demagoguery During the Covid-19 Pandemic Javnost - The Public Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture / / / 96 - 110 18548377

71 Tanupriya Cultural Violence, Violent Gendering, and Abjection: Discourses on Sites of Violence through Trans Women?s Narratives from India Journal of International Women Studies / 24 / 6 / 1 - 12 1539-8706

72 Vinothini M Recasting ageism as a constructive discourse: Reifungsroman in Doris Lessing's Love Again and Our Soul At Night Kanpur Philosophers / / / - 2348-8301

73 Merlyn Sharma Economic Prosperity and Environmental Sustainability: Role of Infrastructure Development Indian Journal of Ecology (2021) 48 Special Issue (16): 178-183 / 48 / 48 / 178 - 183 0304-5250

74 Benzigar M Delineating Education as a Tedium in Chetan Bhagat?s Five Point Someone and Its Film Adaptation Research Nebula / / Special IssueFeb2021 / 247 - 249 2277-8071

75 Prabha Zacharias Gender, Modernity and Malayalam Catholic Publications: The Production of an Uneven Literary Public Sphere, 1930's-1950's Malayalam Research Journal / 13 / 2 / 4836 - 4854 0974-1984

76 Prabha Zacharias Colson Whitehead's 'The Nickel Boys' and the Undoing of Post-Racial Fallacies Sahithya Lokam, Published by Kerala Sahithya Akademi, U.G.C CARE listed journal / 49 / 4 / 38 - 46 2319-3263

77 Siddharth Dubey Journeying through the Indian Railways in Around India in 80 Trains (2012) by Monisha Rajesh and Chai, Chai: Travels in Places Where You Stop But Get Never Off (2009) by Bishwanath Ghosh Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / / 3 / 320 - 328 0975-2935

78 Tanupriya Redefined Families and Subsystems: Reading Kinship and Hierarchical Structures in Select Hijra Autobiographies Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 12 / 5 / 1 - 9 0975-2935

79 Tanupriya Enactment of Gender and Performing Selves: A Study on Hijra Performativity Journal of Language, Literature and Culture / / / - 2051-2856, 2051-2864

80 Vinothini M Delineating Education as a Tedium in Chetan Bhagat?s Five Point Someone and Its Film Adaptation Research Nebula / / Special IssueFeb2021 / 247 - 249 2277-8071

81 Benzigar M Acquire information and employability in the contemporary global through English International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research / 9 / 2 / 1527 - 1529 2277-8616

82 Benzigar M Language Teaching Through Translation Language in India, USA / 19 / 1 / 73 - 77 1930-2940

83 Benzigar M Collaborative learning at tertiary: Challenges and possibilities International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities / 7 / 1 / 1436 - 1444 2321-7065

84 Sunny Joseph Determinants of Consumer Retention Strategies for Telecom Service Industry in Central India Problems and Perspectives in Management / 16 / 2 / 306 - 320 1810-5467

85 Sunny Joseph You reap what you sow: ?Are management educators responsible for declining employability of students in Indian B Schools? The Business and Management Review / 9 / 4 / 202 - 212 2051-8498

86 Tanupriya Production of Gender: A Study on Performativity in Female-To-Male Transsexuals Masculinities and Social Change / 7 / 3 / 255 - 278 2014-3605



Sl.No. Author/Co-Author Type of Work Title of the Paper Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study ISSN Academic Year
1 KRISHNA KUMAR SHARMA (4799) Reference book Hindi Upnyas Sahity Men Krishaj Jeevan Ke Aayam 9789348200594 2025
2 SHIVANAND TAVALI (4588) Conference Proceedings Nishpatti Janapadaru Kandante Sharanaru 978-93-92427-86-2 2024
3 SHIVANAND TAVALI Reference book Punarnava Part -10 978-81-949100-9-1 2024
4 SHIVANAND TAVALI Reference book Vachana Keertana Saahitya Mattu Sanskruti 978-93-92427-47-3 2024
5 SHIVANAND TAVALI (4588) Reference book Punranava Part-10 Kannada Mahila Atmakathegala Avalokana 978-81-949100-9-1 2024
6 SHIVANAND TAVALI (4588) Reference book Vachana Keertana Sahitya Mattu Sanskruti Keetana Saahitya; Ondu Avalokana 978-93-92427-47-3 2024
7 SHIVANAND TAVALI (4588) Reference book Vachana Keertana Saahitya Mattu Sanskruti Keetana Saahitya; Pramukha daasara Kodugegalu 978-93-92427-47-3 2024
8 RESHMA M L (4630) Reference book Ikkisween Sadi ki Hindi Kavita Mein Vyangya 978-93-48200-88-4 2024
9 TANUPRIYA (30221) Reference book Dalits and Dalit Lives in 21st Century India: Towards a New Politics Dalit Queer to Queer Dalit: Navigating the Intersection of Caste and Queerness 979-8-8819-0036-6 2024
10 SHIVANAND TAVALI (4588) Reference book Sneha Sindhu Kailasam Avara Tollugattiya Avalokana 978-93-92427-59-6 2024
11 SHIVANAND TAVALI (4588) Reference book Sneha Sindhu Bahumukha Vyaktitvada Pradhyapakaru 978-93-92427-59-6 2024
12 TANUPRIYA,SRIRUPA CHATTERJEE AND SHWETA RAO GARG Reference book Female Body Image and Beauty Politics in Contemporary Indian Literature and Culture Bodies at Surveillance: Appearance, Social Control, and Female Body Image in India?s Postmillennial Lesbian and Trans Narratives 9781439922521 2024
13 DEEPIKA DHAWAN (30523) Text book Environmental Communication and Sustainable Development Honesty in Brand Marketing Analysis: Green washing vs. Brand Activism ISBN 978-93-94608-59-7 2024
14 HOIMAWATI TALUKDAR (30465) Reference book Artificial Intelligence and Media AI News: The Authenticity and Veracity of the News' Panopticon 9788196186166 2023
15 NIPUNIKA SHAHID (30518) Reference book Online Journalism 978-81-969581-0-7 2023
16 TANUPRIYA,ANUJA SINGH,DEEPALI YADAV AND VIPIN K KADAVATH Reference book The Digital Popular in India: Mainstreaming the Marginal Gaze and Queer Autonomy: Representations and Possibilities on New Visual Media Landscapes in the Indian Context 978-3-031-39435-5 2023
17 HOIMAWATI TALUKDAR (30465) Reference book Gender and Popular Visual Culture in India Benevolent Sexism and Disguised Discrimination The Men and the Media ISBN 9781032561448 2023
18 KRISHNA KUMAR SHARMA Reference book RASHTRIYA CHETNA 978-93-5786-761-0 2023
19 TANUPRIYA (30221) Reference book Routledge Encyclopedia of Indian Writing in English Em and the Big Hoom 9781003279273 2023
20 TANUPRIYA (30221) Reference book Routledge Encyclopedia of Indian Writing in English Delhi by Khushwant Singh 9781003279273 2023
21 TANUPRIYA (30221) Reference book Routledge Encyclopedia of Indian Writing in English R Raj Rao 9781003279273 2023
22 TANUPRIYA (30221) Reference book Routledge Encyclopedia of Indian Writing in English Jeet Thayil 9781003279273 2023
23 PRABHA ZACHARIAS (30165) Reference book The Boar Hunt ISBN 978-93-93701-79-4 2023
24 SIDDHARTH DUBEY (30548) Text book grief eater 978-9357746205 2023
25 AYUSHI ZINA (30432) Conference Proceedings Under the Lens: Films, Gender and Culture Representation of Queer in Hindi Cinema 978-93-91771-60-7 2023
26 AYUSHI ZINA,DR. RAJENDRA KUMAR DASH Conference Proceedings Currentia Literaria Use of Folk Tales in Rewriting Mythology 978-93-5788-017-6 2023
27 ANUJA SINGH,GYANBATI KHURAIJAM Conference Proceedings Feminist Engagements: Cultural Expressions and Politics Where is my Home? The Study of the State's Exile of its Sexual Subalterns through Rangnekar and Sharma's Select Work 978-93-5529-767-9 2022
28 KRISHNA KUMAR SHARMA (4799) Reference book Chitra Mudgal Ke Kahani Sahitya Men Vykti Sngharsh 978-81-948342-0-5 2022
29 VINOTHINI M,T. V. MITHUN RAM Text book Flowers that once lived 97893944288119 2022
30 PRABHA ZACHARIAS (30165) Text book Vanakkamasa Kalathe Oru Pashuppiravi Ratri (Anthology of original poems in Malayalam) 978-93-92231-10-0 2022
31 TANUPRIYA (30221) Reference book Transgender India: Understanding Third Gender Identities and Experiences Female Masculinities and Women of Third Nature: Analyzing the Gender and Sexual Politics of Identity and Visibility of Alternative Masculinities through Indian Past and Literary Narratives 2022
32 VINOTHINI M,BENZIGAR M,CYNTHIA CATHERINE MICHAEL & Y MERCY FAMILA Reference book Critical Approaches to Literature and ELT The Treatment of Magic Realism in Motion 978-81-950724-8-4 2021
33 PRABHA ZACHARIAS (30165) Reference book Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig (Malayalam Translation of the complete book) Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig (Malayalam Translation of the complete book) 978-93-90924-65-3 2021
34 ADITI DIRGHANGI,SEEMITA MOHANTY Reference book Mainstreaming the Marginalised: Fresh Perspectives on India's Tribal Story Characters on the periphery: A feminist perspective on Mahabharata and Ramayana 978-1-032-05780-4 2021
35 VINOTHINI M,BENZIGAR M,DR. GANESH R. KHANDERAO ,DR. MANOJ N. BHAGAT Reference book Diasporic Literature African Chimera of America and The Reality: A Diasporic Reading of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie?s Americanah 978-93-91201-47-0 2021
36 BENZIGAR M Reference book Literature as Cultural Artefact: Theoretical Approaches to Reading Texts Exploration of Language as a Cultural Construct: A Study on Language and Culture 8187905131 2020
37 PRABHA ZACHARIAS Reference book The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World by Melinda Gates (Malayalam Translation) The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World by Melinda Gates (Malayalam Translation of the complete book) ISBN 978-93-89647-88-4 2020
38 NAGALAKSHMI S Conference Proceedings Ecology in sanskrit literature Description of Ecology in the Works of Bhavabuthi 978-1-56646-725-4 2020
39 MALLIKA KRISHNASWAMI Conference Proceedings Holistic Development through Language and Literature Language and Literature - Key elements in the formation of a (w)holistic being ISBN No. 978-93-85132-93-3 2020
40 KAVITHA A Conference Proceedings Holistic Development through Language and Literature Le développement holistique à travers l'évolution des femmes dans la littérature française 978-93-85132-93-3 2020
41 RATHI M T Reference book Fostering Higher Education -Half Century in Service Christ College Kannada Sangha: Integrating Languages,Literature and Cultural Consciousness 978-81-933887-9-2 2019
42 MALLIKA KRISHNASWAMI Reference book Fostering Higher Education - Half a century in service Deanery at Christ - Concept, Relevance and Practice 978-81-933887-9-2 2019
43 ADITI DIRGHANGI,DR. ELDAD TSABARY Conference Proceedings Proceeding of the International Conference on Arts and Humanities, 6(1) De-mythifying the Ramayana: A Study of the ?Devoiced? Surpanakha 2019
44 NAGALAKSHMI S Conference Proceedings Multidisciplinary International Conference Contribution of Sanskrit to Indological Study ISBN: 978-93-5351-965-0 2019
45 NAGALAKSHMI S Conference Proceedings Water concept in Sanskrit Literature Importance of Water according to Rigveda 978-81-930910-8-1 2019
46 ADITI DIRGHANGI (30328) Reference book Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion Fantasy 978-3-642-27771-9 2019
47 KRISHNA KUMAR SHARMA (4799) Reference book SHAGUN 2017
48 SHIVAPRASAD Y S Reference book Kanaka Purandara Iha Paragala Mukhamukhi Second Edition Thesis 978-81-932218-4-6 2017
49 RATHI M T Reference book Pratibha Sampannaru Pramukha Bhashavignana Vidwamsa 2015
50 RATHI M T,K P BHAT Reference book Dravida Bhaasha GNATI Padakosha (A Cognitive Dictionary of Dravidian Languages) NA 978-93-82446-63-7 2014
51 BENZIGAR M Reference book English Language Teaching and Learning: Trends and Techniques Communicative Competence in Second Language Acquisition 9788192492292 2014
52 BENZIGAR M Reference book Post Colonial Polemics A History Retold: A Reading of The Shadow Lines 9789380406503 2014
53 SHIVAPRASAD Y S Reference book Nee Mayeyolago Ninnolu Mayeyo Kanakadasa Adhyayana:Samagra Samputa Bhaga-1 Geevana Mattu Parisara 2013
54 SHIVAPRASAD. Y S Reference book Dasa Sahitya Darshana Part-2 Dasa Shresta Kanaka Purandararu: Ondu Tulane 2012
55 SHIVAPRASAD Y S Reference book Kanaka Purandar Iha Paragala Mukhamukhi NA 2011
56 RATHI M T,D.C.GEETHA Text book Nadugannada Kavyasangama 2010
57 MALLIKA KRISHNASWAMI Socio-Cultural Approaches to Translation: Indian and European Perspectives Cultural Synthesis or Cultural Exclusiveness ?Challenges before a Translator 978-93-80697-31-4 2010
58 MALLIKA KRISHNASWAMI Samuthirathil Oru Maithuli (translation of Michel SAUQUET's French novel ?Une goutte d'encre dans l'ocean' ) - 2001
59 KRISHNASWAMI P Socio-Cultural Approaches to Translation: Indian and European Perspectives Cultural Synthesis orCultural Exclusiveness:Challenges before a Translator 2010
60 KRISHNASWAMI P Venkat Swaminathan: Arguments and Discourses Cultural Criticism: Writings of Venkat Swaminathan 2010
61 KRISHNASWAMI P Collected Works of Palamalai Palamalai's Poetry: An Evaluation 2010
62 MALLIKA KRISHNASWAMI Higher Education 2020- New Strategies for Empowerment and Growth In Sync with the Changing Face of Humanities and Social Sciences ?The Christ University Model 978-81-924180-1-8. 2012 2012
63 MALLIKA KRISHNASWAMI Excellence through Innovation ? Curriculum, Teaching, Learning, Research and Evaluation in Higher Education Internalization of Organizational Values and its Impact on Effectiveness Internalization of Organizational Values and its Impact on Effectiveness - 2009
64 MALLIKA KRISHNASWAMI Higher Education: Between Quality and Reservation Deemed Universities: A Partial Remedy to Indian Higher Education Ills - A Case Study of Christ University, Bangalore 978-93-5128-050-7 2014
65 KRISHNASWAMI P Reference book First International Conference on English Literature -2012 Mythology and Creativity - A South Indian Literary and Cultural Perspective 978-81-927042-3-4


Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
1 Tyagaveera Sirasangi Lingarajaru

Mareyalagada Mahanubhavaru
2 Kalika Maadhyama;Kannada Bhashe

Kannada Bhashe
3 Hindi Ganga

Hindi Bhasha Aur Sahitya Ka Sangam
4 Kannaadu-Punnaadu

Kannada Mattu Kodava Bhashe, Saahitya, Samskruti, Parampare, Samshodhane, Sthala Mahime Kshetragala
5 Archives On Colonial Assam And Their Famous Colonial Anthropologists



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